Grant Policy for Sponsees

Grant Policy for Sponsees

If you are a fiscal sponsee of Fiscal Sponsorship Allies, please review our policy on applying for grants below.

Fiscal Sponsorship Allies, Inc. (“FSA”) is committed to fulfilling its mission in providing the best fiscal sponsorship services at affordable rates to those engaging in charitable work for the larger community. Sponsees may find opportunities to solicit grant awards and may want to know how to proceed in order to optimize its chances at submitting a successful application while remaining compliant with FSA’s policies. This section, “Applying to Grants” should help clarify such questions.

    1. Charitable Program: FSA is a nonprofit corporation and 501(c)(3) public charity. Our charitable program is to provide fiscal sponsorship services to other entities operating charitable programming.
    2. Approved Sponsee Programs: FSA has an application process in place to approve the charitable programs carried out by Sponsees. If a Sponsee finds a grant that it would like to apply to, the use of those funds, if awarded, is limited to the programs that were approved for fiscal sponsorship by FSA. Should a grant application include programs that were not previously approved by FSA, the grant award will automatically be declined by FSA if the Sponsee does not provide details in writing to FSA and obtain written approval of the new programming prior to the grant application’s submission.
    3. Approving Grant Applications: Sponsees are required to inform FSA of any grant awards that they would like to apply for and receive approval from FSA prior to grant submission. Grant applications must be submitted by the Sponsee to FSA at least 7 days in advance.  If it is not submitted at least 7 days prior to the deadline, Sponsee will pay FSA hourly for grant review. FSA will review the application for eligibility and compliance. When submitting a grant application for approval, Sponsee should make the subject line of the email “{Sponsee Program Name} | {Foundation Name/Funding Opportunity} | due on {Date}”. In the body of the email, include all relevant links, attachments and submission information for the grant, along with a brief description of what is needed from FSA. If the grant application includes an online portal, Sponsee will send a collaboration request to FSA as part of the grant review process whenever possible, including login information. FSA will add any information the grant provider requests about the fiscal sponsorship. Once approved, a copy of the application (as submitted to the grant provider) should be sent to FSA via email.
    4. Grant Awards: Signing and reviewing grant awards are included in the Core Services Fee and will not incur additional charges.
    5. Sponsee Reporting Requirements: Some grant foundations require grant reports to be signed and sent by FSA. When such is the case, the Sponsee is obligated to prepare the appropriate narrative and financial reports and send them to FSA for review no later than one week prior to the deadline for submission to the grant foundation. Failure to supply these reports could result in the grant foundation terminating the grant Agreement or requesting a return of the grant funds. 
    6. Sponsor Materials for Grants: Sponsor can supply materials necessary for grant applications, specifically those that are applied for in FSA’s name. Materials include, but are not limited to: determination letter, W-9, audited financial statements, Articles of Incorporation, 990, and annual budget. FSA will submit them directly to the grant-providing foundation(s). Sponsee is expected to use the native Grant/Budget tools within the Ribbon platform to provide accurate grant reporting.
    7. Late Grant Reports: If a Sponsee fails to submit a grant report to FSA by the due date, or otherwise causes FSA to miss a deadline to a funder, the Sponsee will be placed on hold and shall not have access to funds held in Ribbon until the hold is resolved. 
    8. Sponsee/Sponsor/Funder Communications: Sponsees are expected to include FSA on all communications with grant funders in order to preserve visibility and transparency. Failure to do so creates unnecessary tension and confusion for all parties involved, and circumvents FSA and its obligation to retain sole discretion and control over grant funds.
    9. Federal Grants: Due to the administrative burden of federal grants, FSA does not facilitate them in any circumstances at this time. We may consider city, county, or state-issued grants that do not require a account.
    10. Deviations from Grant Policy: Questions about how to answer certain fields on a grant application will be billed hourly. FSA does not provide fundraising consulting. FSA will provide grant provider with information as requested about the fiscal sponsorship relationship. Sponsees who submit grant applications for review with fewer than 7 days before the deadline will be billed hourly for grant reviews.